Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Day 7

This morning we finalised our totem designs, so next week we'll get onto making them 3D! We can't wait, everyone is ready for a change from drawing!!

This afternoon we had music lead by Adam, it was really loud, nut great fun!! Andrew was an absolute star on the piano!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Day Six

This morning we continued with our totem theme...

We talked about ourselves, about the things that make us all the unique wonderful people we are! We talked about our personalities, our skills etc. We worked as a group to make a huge list and then chose words that were most relevant to us, eventually ending up with the words that best described us! We drew a 'symbol' to represent each of these words. Today's work will help us towards deciding what we're going to put on our 3D totem poles.

This afternoon was B-I-N-G-O!!!!

We love it!! Especially because Kev makes it SOOOOO much fun! He insists that we shout "mansion" for house and "bungalow" for a line!! No one's really sure why he chooses to wear a wig - we just let him get on with it!!!

spot the difference?!?

Today was Kev's last day at the summer scheme, he's leaving us to go to another job... we're all going to miss him terribly and hope that his new job goes well and that he'll keep in touch!

Thanks Kev for all of your hard work, support and encouragement x

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Day five

This morning we started working on Totem poles!
As a group we learned that 'totems' are the symbols carved on the poles - that's why they're called "totem poles"!!!
We talked about symbolism, we use symbols to help us sometimes so we understood that Native Americans used pictures to tell stories about themselves and their families.
We used pictures printed from the Internet from this site it's a great source for pictures for work totem poles! (it saved loads of work!!)

After we had coloured the pictures we carefully cut them out and stuck them onto Brown paper poles!

We think they look great!
This is just the start of our Totem work.... watch this space!

This afternoon we split into groups for music! We did two different activities, some of us used the sports hall and played musical games and some of us talked about music and emotion and then worked in groups to compose and perform a short piece of music! At break time we swapped and did the activity we hadn't yet done!

We also had a 21st birthday to celebrate today and we ended the session by having cake and singing Happy Birthday!

It was another great day!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Day four

This morning we finished off our work from yesterday!

This kachina is to represents the rainbow, with lots of bright colours!

This kachina is represents love, safety and security in our families.
We were really proud of our work when it was finished!

This afternoon we had a quiz, we had a lot of fun although it was a very competitive event!!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Summer Scheme Day 3

This morning we continued to work on our Native American project. Today we talked about kachina dolls, to make our 'dolls' we talked about things that are important to us, we discussed essential things, we decided food, water and love came on this list. We also thought about things that make us happy, some of the things on this list were family and friends, but we also included chocolate, lip gloss and holidays!

Some of us worked in teams and some of us worked on our own, we're going to finish our projects tomorrow!

After lunch we split up into teams and enjoyed a raucous afternoon of games!
Highlights included 'chuck the duck' and a giant space hopper relay!

Party on!

On Sunday we hosted and attended a birthday party of the gentleman that we made the 80th birthday card for. He generously invited us to share his birthday celebrations!

We love a party, especially when the food has been made by Alice our fabulous catering coordinator!
We enjoyed a sing-a-long and listening to an opera singer, the art group had made the decorations during a group, they looked fab!

Everyone had a fantastic time!

Friday, 10 July 2009

Summer Scheme Day Two!

Today we finished off our Native American Indian pictures and put them up on the wall to represent our summer scheme tribe!

We spent lots of time on our pictures which had to be coloured and then cut out and put back together, it wasn't easy!

After lunch we had drumming workshops with the wonderful Brian Payne! Which was great fun, energetic and VERY LOUD!!!

Mad Hatters Tea Party!

To mark the end of our Alice in Wonderland project we just had to have a Mad Hatters tea party - after all we already had the hats!!
We had a fantastic afternoon and were joined by volunteers who worked with us when the art group first started 8 years ago! It was lovely to all be together again.
We had scones and cakes, which had been made by the creative writing group the night before, it was a great way to round off the project and the terms work ready for summer scheme!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Summer Scheme!!!

Today is the first day of our adult summer scheme!

The theme for art this year is 'The Wild West'!

Today we talked about the discovery of America and about the fact that to the Native American people it had always been their home.
We coloured a male or female figure to represent us in a collaged tribe, and made up a name for our characters! Sitting Rainbow, Dancing Rabbit and Running Pink Flamingo are just a few examples!

After lunch we played Bingo! It's always a favourite, especially as we play for prizes!

Let's here you all "Two little ducks, 22"
"Quack, Quack!!!"