Monday, 9 March 2009

Oh what a picture!

How lucky am I that people leave pictures like this beauty around for me to find!?!
It was painted by a young lady who attends our children's Wednesday Club, it doesn't have a title that I know of... feel free to suggest one!
I'm calling it 'Silver linings and Rainbows'


  1. A rainbow and a woman in a skirt, could be a picture of our mutual friend 'rainbowmummy'?

  2. Made me say "Ooh" out loud. :o) Your title seems right on to me.

  3. Hee hee! When I saw it I thought of the bean organiser too! X

  4. Awww :0) It is a very beautiful picture, I like your title too, with a sub title off "who needs the gold, when you can have all this beauty"

    Haha "bean organiser", I will be laughing for weeks (Ali, get it?) If it WAS a pic of me she'd be wearing some old jeans, lol.


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